What is Meistroli?
'Meistroli' means 'to master'.
At its core, Meistroli is a language-learning tool developed specifically for Pembrokeshire learners, aligning seamlessly with the county's Welsh continuum. This platform aims to enhance learners' Welsh language skills and foster a more structured and effective learning approach. On 'Meistroli', learners are in control of their learning journey. They should embrace the process, knowing that mistakes are stepping stones to success.
Learners will find 4 levels to practise and master patterns as they progress through school. In each level, they'll find 10 communicative functions containing sets of flashcards. They'll revisit the same communicative functions at each level, gradually increasing in complexity as they progress through their education.
How does it work?
Within each communicative function, learners will find a series of flashcards sets to study. Upon selecting a set, learners will advance through the flashcards by reading the English phrase, vocalising the translation, and then clicking the 'Gwirio / Check' button to verify the correct Welsh translation. Vocalising their answer is important as it enhances pronunciation skills, reinforces language retention, and promotes a more interactive and immersive learning experience.
After hearing the Welsh translation, learners will rate themselves on accuracy and pronunciation using a rating system from 1 - 5
1 - Dim clem (No idea)
2 - Un neu ddau air cywir (One or two correct words)
3 - Rhannol gywir (Partly correct)
4 - Bron yna (Nearly there)
5 - Perffaith (Perfect)
Once the set has been studied, learners can choose to re-attempt the set or return to the menu. The flashcard set menu will display the percentage of cards known, providing learners with a gauge of their proficiency. It's important to note that this percentage will reset if the learner opts to revisit and re-study the set. While learners have the flexibility to review a flashcard set multiple times, the platform will record and maintain data only from the most recent attempt, ensuring an accurate reflection of their current understanding.